Linux For Beginner
Linux is a free, open-source operating system based on Unix. It is used as a platform for a wide range of computer systems, from personal computers to servers and supercomputers. It is known for its stability, security and flexibility.
The Linux kernel is the core component of the Linux operating system. It acts as a bridge between the hardware and software components of a computer system. It provides a range of services to the software, including managing system resources, providing a file system and allowing communication between different processes. The Linux kernel is developed as an open-source project and is widely used in a variety of operating systems and devices.
A shell is a user interface for accessing an operating system's services. In Linux, the shell is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the systems by typing commands and receiving text-based outputs. some common shell programs in Linux include Bash (Bourne Again Shell), Zsh (Z shell) and Tcsh (Tenex C Shell ). The shell provides a way to automate tasks, execute programs and manage system resources, and it is an important tool for system administrators and power users.
Shell Scripting:
Shell Script is a file consisting of lists of commands executed sequentially. It helps in automating the day-to-day tasks of DevOps engineers and Linux Admins. For example, if you want to schedule a backup of your file then with the help of a shell script it can be automated to take backups.
Let's look into some first shell script:
Create a file
vi <>
Provide permission to execute scripts
chmod 777 <>
Execute the script
Directory Structure:
The /root directory is the home directory for the root users.
The /dev directory contains device files.
static boot files are located in the /boot directory.
Application and user utilities are found in the /usr directory
log files of various applications are located in the /var directory.
Configuration files are stored in the /etc directory.
User folders are located in the /home directory.
check all add-on application packages in the /opt directory.
The /proc directory is a virtual filesystem that holds information on currently running processes. On shutdown, it destroys.
User binary files are located in the /bin directory.
The /lib directory stores shared library images and kernel modules.
Some Commands:
ls - lists the files and directories in a directory
cd - changes the current working directory
pwd - displays the current working directory
cp - copies a file or directory
mv - moves or renames a file or directory
rm - deletes a file or directory
mkdir - creates a new directory
rmdir - deletes an empty directory
echo - displays text to the screen
cat - displays the contents of a file
nano - a simple text editor
chmod - changes the permissions of a file or directory
chown - changes the owner of a file or directory
ping - tests connectivity to a network host
ssh - secure shell remote login protocol.