Git and GitHub

Git Install:

Download the git from the following website.

Using Git with Terminal:

If we want to check the git version.

git --version

Configure Git:

git config --global "name"

git config --global "email"

change the user name and email addresses to your own.

Create Git Folder:

First, create a folder.

mkdir project

cd project

mkdir is used to create the folder and cd is used to change the directory.

Initialize Git:

First, we have to initialize Git.

git init

create your project file and save it into a folder.

to check the current working directory. Go back into the terminal and list the file.


then check the status of git.

git status

Files in the Git repo folder can be in two states.

  1. Tracked - This means that files and added to the repo.

  2. Untracked - This means that files and not added to the repo.

To Add the file:

git add filename

if files are added, then the message will show that no commits yet.

Add all files in the repo.

git add --all

to move from staging to commit in repo.

git commit -m "message"

Now check the status of git.

git status

It will show that we have committed to the message.

Git Commit Log:

To view the history of commits.

git log

Git Branch:

We create a new branch.

git branch

To checkout the branch.

git checkout <filename>

now update the commit by adding untracked files.

Merge Branches:

change the branch

git checkout master

Now merge the current branch with the branch you created earlier.

git merge <branch-name>

Now check the git status.


First, create the account on GitHub.

and then

Create Repo on Github:

after creating an account. Go to the plus sign (+) near the account avatar. Click on it and select create repo. Fill in all relevant information and click on create repo button. To push the local repo to GitHub repo first copy the URL and paste the following command into the terminal.

git remote add origin URL

now can push our master branch to the origin URL and set it as the default remote branch.

git push --set-upstream origin master

After a change in the code. Add and commit the changes into the code with a message.

then check the status of git by the following command.

git status

Now push the code to the remote origin.

git push origin

All Git and GitHub Commands:

Git commands:

  • git init: Initialize a Git repository

  • git clone [repository]: Clone a remote repository

  • git add [file]: Stage a file for commit

  • git commit -m [message]: Commit changes with a message

  • git push [remote] [branch]: Push changes to a remote repository

  • git pull [remote] [branch]: Pull changes from a remote repository

  • git status: Show the status of the current repository

  • git log: Show the commit history

  • git diff: Show changes between commits

    GitHub commands:

    • gh repo create [repo_name]: Create a new repository on GitHub

    • gh repo clone [repo_name]: Clone a repository from GitHub

    • gh issue create [title] [body]: Create a new issue on GitHub

    • gh pull-request create [base] [head] [title] [body]: Create a pull request on GitHub

    • gh release create [tag_name] [title] [body]: Create a release on GitHub